We accompany the improvement of people’s living conditions through the execution of educational training actions in conjunction with social aid activities.

In order to promote the progress of a community, the integral education of its members is vital, it is not enough with specific welfare actions, we are very clear about the difference between solving an emergency and an improvement project. To achieve this, the vulnerable families supported by Fundación NÚR enter a mandatory training process for their integral personal development, and the development of their resilience, through the following free programs:

Bright Gems

Through our free activities, we develop a constructivist methodology of learning so that children and adolescents learn to express what they feel and think, and can overcome social uprooting.
They develop their potential and capabilities through art, education in human rights and moral leadership, emotional and social education, self-care, handicrafts and values formation.


 For mothers and their children, from pregnancy through the child’s fifth birthday. They learn about care during pregnancy, the importance of breastfeeding and secure attachment, proper nutrition, children’s emotional health and acquire tools for better parenting.


We focus on training people to be useful to society and to themselves, helping them to break away from negative thoughts about their own abilities.
Workshops are given on personal development, emotional education, social skills, self-care, leadership, family orientation and parenting, and human values.
Adults, youth and children receive, according to their ages, appropriate training in various areas.


We believe that it is very difficult to study and try to get ahead with hunger and without a minimum of basic needs covered. This program includes food aid, clothing, emergency medicines, diapers and formula milk (in cases of severe stress when mothers are unable to provide breast milk).


All beneficiaries receive comprehensive biopsychosocial care to prevent the onset or development of a disease, through prevention and education.
It includes workshops, talks and colloquiums on prevention, medical check-up, diagnosis, crisis intervention and psychological therapies.
If you like what we do, you can help our organization by donating today!
All donations go directly to making a difference for our cause.
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