A lot of work, a lot of people, a lot of love.

The first thing to do is to coordinate the search for food, something that is not so easy with “Ecuadorian time”.
It is necessary to ask for an appointment at the BAAC, to ask for help from the people who will help with the loading and unloading, those who will help to check and separate, those who take care of the elements that require refrigeration, and a long etcetera.

It takes a lot of patience and dedication to make it all happen at the right time and in the right place. And this is just the beginning.

Once the food arrives at the Foundation, a group of volunteers collaborate to unload it, there are many kilos, there are stairs, and no one wants to hurt their back. Generally, representatives from each area participate: volunteers, beneficiaries and managers, all together is easier, and so we all learn the value of helping others.
Then a selection and classification is made. On the one hand the fruits and vegetables, on the other hand the non-perishables, and special care is given to those that need refrigeration, these are divided and stored in individual bags in a freezer until the moment of delivery
There are always products that are delivered according to the number of members of each family, such as dairy products, and also take into account the special dietary needs (celiac, etc.), so we customize each delivery.

At the end of the work we shared a common meal with all those who participated. A way of being a family among all.

In NÚR Foundation we are not interested in big numbers, our beneficiaries are people, not numbers, we provide biweekly food aid to between 25 and 30 families of the foundation.
These are people we know and who have been visited by our volunteer social workers to verify their need for help.
Each family has a “padrino” (sponsor) who contributes funds for this specific use, and who receives information about the evolution of the program.
The commitment of each family, in order to receive food, is to participate in the training workshops, send the children to the Gemas Brillantes program, have them in school and have them up to date with the mandatory vaccinations.
If you like what we do, you can help our organization by donating today!
All donations go directly to making a difference for our cause.

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